Based on the acclaimed sci-fi short story by Lewis Padgett, The Last Mimzy tells the story of two children who discover a mysterious box containing strange devices they think are toys. As the children play with these “toys,†they begin to develop remarkable abilities and higher intelligence levels – and their parents become increasingly concerned. Emma, the younger of the two, tells her confused mother that one of the toys, a beat-up stuffed rabbit, is named Mimzy and that “she teaches me things.†When a mysterious blackout shuts down the city and the government traces the source of a power surge to the family’s home, things quickly spin wildly out of control, setting in motion a race to solve the mystery of the toys’ origin and their meaning. The little girl says Mimzy contains a most serious message from the future, and everyone realizes they are involved in something incredible…but exactly what? The Last Mimzy features an ensemble cast that includes Timothy Hutton, Joely Richardson, and Rainn Wilson.
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It is produced by Michael Phillips and directed by Bob Shaye from a screen story by James V. Hart & Carol Skilken, with a screenplay by Bruce Joel Rubin and Toby Emmerich.
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